Golden Orchid Society
Silk, beads, thread, gold hoops, pillows
10 x 8 x 8 ft.
The Golden Orchid Society was a collection of organizations in Southern China, dating from approximately 1644-1949. Women who were queer, aromantic, asexual, or avoidant of heterosexual marriage for other reasons found safety and acceptance in the Golden Orchid Society that they were not offered from their own biological families. Typically, women would be married off to men so that the man could financially provide for the family, but Golden Orchid Society members were able to marry each other because of the rise of silk production at the time, which allowed women to be financially stable and independent.
Using gold silk and thread, I created over 100 golden orchids which are hung from hoops above two golden silk pillows. The shape of the hoops indicate a sense of community and belonging, while allowing the orchids to rotate in the gentle breeze.