Salut D’Amour (Liebesgruss.)

Pearl beads, thread, wood, sheet music, audio from the artist’s violin performance, hardware 

166 x 25 ½ x 17 ½ in


Salut D’Amour (Liebesgruss.) is a visualization of the artist’s favorite piece of violin music which she had the privilege to learn and perform during her time as a classical musician. Each bead represents one note, hung at a length which correlates to where the violinist’s finger placement would be on each string. The spacing between the beads and the loose thread that hangs below them are determined by the length of each note, the loose threads mimicking the hairs of a bow. Displayed alongside the sheet music as well as a recording of the artist’s 2015 performance of the piece, Sleepy Ephem wishes to convey the complexity involved in bringing the seemingly simple sheet music to life.